Hi ,
First and foremost, I sincerely hope this edition of the Newsletter finds you healthy. I know many of you have had to endure hardships. My heart goes out to each and every one of you and I am sending you all big hugs as we navigate this challenging time together!
Now we all find ourselves heading towards the end of Summer, which is the ideal time to conduct DorothyTheOrganizer’s 7-MINUTE END-OF-SUMMER SWEEP (Quick Organizing Projects in short 7-minute sessions).
I did a poll on social media and a good portion of my 60k followers responded with answers to their biggest end-of-summer organizing priority. The top answers were:
50% wanted to eliminate clothing and accessories
30% want to clean out storage space (shed, garage, attic, basement)
20% voted for technology (cords, chargers, cases, old phones / electronics)
This is super easy. I’m recommending that over the coming weeks, you “sweep your house” to eliminate unwanted items (in 7-minute spurts) and then move on with your day. Grab a timer and start in your bedroom. Keep it simple and organize your sock drawer (remember kids can do this too). Go to the sock drawer or bin and dump out all the socks. Match them up. See if you have any “unmatchables.” Check the elastic. Review to see if there are any you just don’t like anymore. Toss what doesn’t work and keep the rest.
You can repeat this short, 7-minute organizing spurt with all your clothing categories: pants, skirts, or shoes. Speaking of shoes – here’s another 7-minute sweep. Try on no more than 3 pairs of shoes at a time and decide whether to keep them or not. Ask yourself: Are they hard to get on? Do your feet feel unsupported? Are they looking a bit too worn? Check to see if there are any shoes that hurt. Eliminate those which no longer work for you. Tomorrow? Do another 3 pairs.
7- Minute End-of-Summer Sweep – Garage, Basement, Attic, Shed
Summertime can cause chaos in your larger storage spaces. Though these spaces are bigger and seem to have more stuff; remember, if you continue to focus on what you can eliminate, you will gain space immediately. To make a dent in your piles in the garage, basement, attic or shed, try looking for broken items or rarely-used items to eliminate such as:
A skateboard with a missing wheel
A suitcase or backpack with a broken zipper
Unused tennis racquets or flat tennis balls
7- Minute End-of-Summer Sweep – Technology
If you’ve been working from home this Summer, like many of us, you will likely agree that the most heated discussions are around screen time, finding an outlet to charge your electronics or perhaps losing a power cord. To enjoy the last days of summer while preparing for Fall – I suggest spending some short organizing segments with your electronics. Try three sessions at 7 minutes each.
Session 1: Gather all the chords, devices and accessories, and group like with like.
Session 2: Store chords using chord clamps or even stuff the chords into empty toilet paper rolls and label them with a marker.
I hope these tips are helpful, and below are some other tips that I think you will find valuable at this time:
Cut Your Own Hair:https://www.
And for those of you who love organizing and would like to start a new career, please check-out my ‘Free to attend’ webclass on “How To Become A Professional Organizer Both On & Offline (without stressing about HOW to run a business, WHERE to find Clients, or WHAT to charge!) on
Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST. Please register using this link: https://www.bossorganizer.com/
I would also like to remind you that the new season of “Hoarders” has begun airing too!!
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Big (virtual) Hugs,
xo Dorothy
Need help with time management? Has it been to long since your last vacation? Do you want to declutter and create more space? Does your home feel chaotic? Are you spiraling out of control with overwhelm? Does your company CEO or its staff need to regroup?
© Copyright 2020 by Dorothy The OrganizerⓇ. Website By ATAK Interactive
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